
The author gratefully acknowledges the help and support of the following individuals and organizations:

Lehigh University’s Linderman Library and its Special Collections Department

The Janet Johnston Housenick and William D. Housenick Memorial Foundation

Central Moravian Church

Spillman Farmer Architects

Northampton County Open Space 

The Friends of Johnston and Vicky Bastidas, for their long-time work in recognizing the importance of the Camel’s Hump Farms properties.

Beverley Kingsley, for her kindness in sharing the 1929 map and obtaining publication permission from George “Skipper” Kingsley, Jr.

Tekkie and Scott Culpepper, for their time, conversation, and insights. John A. Zapf, II, for use of the 1957 plat plan.

Tim Brady, a trustee of the Janet Johnston Housenick and William D. Housenick Memorial Foundation, for his counsel, company and conversations.

Karen Samuels, whose superb research and hard work form the basis of my understanding of Archibald Johnston’s life and legacy.

Paul Gordon, a good friend who originally suggested a trail guide to Housenick Park. Having accompanied me on one of my first park walks in 2013, he saw the opportunities for interpreting the features of Housenick Park to make it more open to its visitors and future researchers.

Finally, this work would not have been possible without a posthumous gift by Jim McIntyre (1961-2015), my great friend and companion in the first years of this decade. Jim was a passionate walker and observer, and someone whose footsteps remain in the park and in my heart.

Further Information

Additional information on Johnston and Housenick Park is available on Wikipedia using the search term “Archibald Johnston (Bethlehem)”. The entry is updated periodically with new information and findings.