Map 7 Bird Blind and Wetlands.jpg

Bird Blind and Wetlands

A contribution of the Lehigh Valley Audubon Society

MAP 7 

The recently-constructed bird blind provides park visitors with a great opportunity to watch birds and amphibians in the marsh beyond. Three feeders built by the Friends of Johnston volunteers hang a few yards from the viewing platform. The blind is a regular stop for interpretive tours led by teachers and Friends of Johnston.

Notice the slate paving leading to the blind - some of the pavers were once fence posts used elsewhere on the estate. A few remnants of slate posts are visible along the other side of the railroad tracks near the former “North Farm” (now private property).

Near the bird blind is one of the hidden gems of the park, a lily pond set at the fork in the road just before the cement bridge. In the center of the pond was a small island reached from both sides of the pond by wooden bridges. Descendants of lilies planted by the Johnston family continue to grow on the island.